Today was the day when we went to see the SVT's summer program for children's SOMMARLOV live by the Docks at Malmo. They recommended to be there at 7 o'clock in the morning to get a seat, but unfortunately we didn't get out of the bed before seven, so our chances of a seat had vanished already at that point-. We arrived at 8.15 and it was was absolutely smacked with people at the pier and we had no chance to get close to the boat.
Vi satt oss i alla fall på bryggan för att följa med förberedelserna och för att äta frukost, men tyvärr hörde vi inte så mycket, fast de som satt nära själva spelningsplatsen verkade ha skoj. Och flickorna lyckades se Malin som ledde showen, men var besvikna för att de andra två Kringlan och Joni fattades.
We anyway sat sat down as close we could get and enjoyed some breakfast. Unfortunately we did not hear that much, but those who sat near the boat seemed to have fun. And the girls managed to see Malin, who leads the show, but they were disappointed that the other two Kringlan and Joni were missing.
Just före själva showen skulle börja fick flickorna nog och vi lämnade Dockan just när första tonerna av live -showens musik började. Men jag tror nog att det är skoj ifall man lyckas ta sig dit lite tidigare och får vara med om hela grejen. Vi får kanske försöka en gång till lite senare i augusti. Vi får till lekplatsen vid Turnig Torso istället, en av dom bästa i Malmö tycker flickorna med hängmattor och annat roligt.
Just before the actual show would start the girls had enough and we left the dock just as the first notes of the live show began. But I think it is worth visiting if you manage to get there a little earlier and be a part of the whole thing. We'll probably try again a little later in August.
We went to the playground at Turnig Torso instead, one of the best in Malmö, according to the girls thanks to the wooden hammocks and other fun stuff.
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Det här är Green Matmarknades egna bild |
When we were done playing we went to Green food market at the Turning Torso and I can really recommend it. Organic food, which is not too expensive in a beautifully decorated shop.