Sol utan sol
Men här i Malmö finns det solarium i varje hörn. I samband med gym, men också 24h öppna solotek för enbart solning. Och många svenska kändisbloggare skriver och berättar om sina besök till solstudion och hur skönt det varit.
Men just nu behövs inga solarier för man kan njuta av solen i närmaste park och beundra de vackra vårblommorna med det samma. Väderleksrapporten hotar med kallare väder, men jag hoppas verkligen den har fel.
Sun without sun
In Finland, solariums have been pretty outdated for a long time. This is thanks to the effective cancer campaigns. I would never dare to visit a tanning bed so effectivehave the campaigns about the negative sides been. Although the new machines is certainly not as dangerous as the one's that were popular in the 80s. And it would also be difficult in Helsinki, because there are really few.
But here in Malmö, there is a solarium in every corner. In the gyms, but also 24-hour open studios for just tanning. And a lot of Swedish celebrity bloggers writes and talks about their visits to solariums and how wonderful it has been.
But right now, there is no need for solariums, since you can go to e the nearest park and enjoy the sun as wellas the beautiful spring flowers.
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